How to join

Everyone agreeing with its social aims can associate to CISO ONLUS.

Payments should be made on the account of n. 149833 Banca Popolare Etica
in the name of Associazione Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici
IBAN: IT 53 C 05018 12000 000000149833
indicating the description (e.g.: first subscription to CISO ONLUS; renewal of the social fee 2021, etc.).

The annual fee is 26.00 euros,
16.00 euros for people under 21 years


Those who also want to receive a printed copy of the journal AVOCETTA must add the amount of 15.00 euros to the fee.

Payment may be made through Pay-Pal selecting the amount and pressing the button at the end of this page.

Send payment receipt and personal data (name, surname, address) to email address